Do you have your first attempt at the DVSA’s Theory Test coming up soon? Perhaps you have taken the Theory Test before and been unsuccessful? Do you find the study material dull and hard to retain the information?
Whatever the reason, we are able to help!
Our Monthly Theory Test Workshop uses practical hands on elements to help make learning Theory Information easier to remember and fun!
The course is aimed at anyone learning to drive that wants to increase their road knowledge and safety while learning the relevant information to pass the DVSA Theory Test.
Anyone interested in booking a space please get in touch on: 07702118103.
This is a full day class room based training starting at 9:30am until 4pm.
(Due to Covid 19, it is possible some classes may be completed via zoom, for more information please call 07702118103)
Price: £65 for the full day including lunch. (Current learners are able to deduct Two hours from pre block bookings, making the course cheaper to current pupils!)
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